Archive for browns gas

New Article On HHO Systems

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on 23, October 2009 by maxryan
ezinearticles_HHO systems_expert_Paul_Alan

Today has been one of those never ending days, just when I think I’ve finished for the day something else crops up. Today has ended up as a thirteen hour day, so this is going to be quick. I have put an article on HHO systems on Ezinearticles. If you want to check it out Click Here.

Paul Alan.

HHO Systems Do They Work?

Posted in Max Ryans Rants with tags , , , on 20, October 2009 by maxryan

Does fitting a HHO system to your vehicle really save you money on fuel and help cut down emissions?

Well! Over the last couple of years I have been very interested in this subject, as it seems to cause quite a lot of discussion whenever it is mentioned.  I have been in many forums and read various post and the main thing that I always come across is that  all the arguments against HHO systems seem to all be old re hashed opinions used years ago.

As soon as a person mentions running a vehicle on hydrogen it seems to open the floodgates for the ” I’ve read somewhere on the net that it don’t work, so it doesn’t” brigade. They will hunt the net for opinions from other like minded people then post the same argument against HHO systems that was used years ago. The main thing that I see is that these people really don’t understand how these systems work.

Getting HHO from water is very simple and most people would have learned this at school, I think that the simplicity is the fact that most people doubt these systems and then label them with that great over used tag, scam.

If you wanted to make a HHO system for your vehicle you could do so very easily, you can find plans and videos all over the Internet for free. The only problem here is that it can be a little  hit and miss and time consuming.

Basically you have a container with plates inside which are connected to the vehicle’s power source, you add distilled water and a catalyst, most people use baking soda, when switched on hydrogen is produced through electrolysis, this is piped from the jar through a bubbler and into the air intake where it is mixed with the fuel. Using Hydroxy as an additive helps burn your vehicles fuel more efficiently and reduce the emissions.

There is more to it though than just adding Hydroxy as an additive, this is where a lot of people who make their own HHO system go wrong and get no better fuel economy. By adding HHO to the vehicle’s fuel  the onboard computer senses that there is less oxygen present in the emissions  so makes the fuel more richer, which you don’t want, this is why a little electronic gadget is fitted to let your vehicles on board computer know to reduce the fuel when the Hho system is switched on.

This is why I would recommend purchasing plans, it saves you a lot of time and you are certain to get a system that will work. These ready made plans have had lots of money and time spent on them to make sure they are safe and do the best possible job they can, they explain all the materials needed which can be bought anywhere, and the plans are easy step by step format that are really easy to follow. The best sites that sell HHO systems will have a private members area, these are great places to go if you run into problems or just want a chat about the system, plus you will get future updates to the plans completely free.

These systems do work, you only have to look at the amount of air time these systems are getting on news programs, there is also a little town in the US that has installed these systems to the local police cars to cut the fuel bills and even the mayor of the town say they work.

If you want to know more about HHO systems I have found a great site here they have three of the top legitimate sites that you can look at and that use payment processors that have a strict 56 days iron clad money back guarantee for your safety.

On ending, I would just like to say that if you are really interested in these systems, don’t be put off by outdated opinions from people who know nothing about HHO systems, look at all the positive opinions from the thousands that have actually made and fitted an HHO system and are very happy with it.

Here’s that address again

Paul Alan